Code Snippet Manager Linux

CodeBox is a Snippet Manager, which changes the way you organize your code snippets, and provides a seamless synchronization across Windows, Linux and Mac. Download for Windows x64 Download for Windows x86 Download for Mac Download for Ubuntu x64 Download for Ubuntu x86 Buy ($15). Code snippet manager free download. Frescobaldi Frescobaldi is a free and open source LilyPond sheet music text editor. Designed to be powerful yet. Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, cloud and IoT. Rapidly design, build, and run applications optimized for native performance, from a single code.

  1. This time, we’ll take a look at pet, a simple command-line snippet manager. The software is written in the Go programming language. A command-line interface allows the user to interact with the computer by typing in commands. The computer displays a prompt, the user keys in the command and presses enter or return.
  2. A snippet manager must not only provide organization of snippets but also have a good code editor. That's why under the hood of massCode there's Monaco. Monaco is a modern code editor from Microsoft which is used in one of the most popular editor VS Code. The editor provides IntelliSense, validation for TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, LESS, SCSS.

To Lepton users around the world in more than 130 countries: We hope you all stay safe, healthy, and strong as we get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Lepton will continue to be free, as always. If you find this app helpful, we encourage you to make a donation to a local or global charity of your choice to help fight against the pandemic. Together, we can make the world a better place. ❤️

Lepton is a lean code snippet manager based on GitHub Gist. Check out its latest release.

  • Unlimited public/private snippets
  • Unlimited tags
  • Language groups
  • Markdown/JupyterNotebook support
  • GitHub Enterprise support
  • Immersive mode
  • Customizable
  • Light/Dark theme
  • macOS/Win/Linux
  • Dashboard
  • Search
  • Proxy
  • Free
Light ThemeDark Theme
OrganizeMarkdownJupyter Notebook
Search (⇧ + Space)Immersive Mode (⌘/Ctrl + i)Dashboard (⌘/Ctrl + d)


New SnippetCmd/Ctrl + NCreate a snippet
Edit SnippetCmd/Ctrl + EEdit a snippet
Delete SnippetCmd/Ctrl + DelDelete selected snippet
SubmitCmd/Ctrl + SSubmit the changes from the editor
CancelCmd/Ctrl + ESCExit the editor without saving
SyncCmd/Ctrl + RSync with remote Gist server
Immersive ModeCmd/Ctrl + IToggle the Immersive mode
DashboardCmd/Ctrl + DToggle the dashboard
About PageCmd/Ctrl + ,Toggle the About page
SearchShift + SpaceToggle the search bar


Lepton's can be customized by <home_dir>/.leptonrc! You can find its exact path in the About page by Command/Ctrl + ,. Create the file if it does not exist.

  • Theme (light/dark)
  • Snippet
  • Editor
  • Logger
  • Proxy
  • Shortcuts
  • Enterprise
  • Notifications

Check out the configuration docs to explore different customization options.

Tech Stack

Code snippet manager linux download
  1. Framework: Electron
  2. Bundler: Webpack, Babel, electron-builder
  3. Language: ES6, Sass
  4. Library: React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Form
  5. Lint: ESLint

Code Snippet Manager Linux Tutorial


  • Download released binaries(macOS/Windows/Linux) here.
  • Install via Homebrew (macOS)
  • Install via SnapCraft (Linux)


Install dependencies

Client ID/Secret

Register your application, and put your client id and client secret in ./configs/account.js.


Build Installer App

Read electron-builder docs and check out the code signing wiki before building the installer app.

Build apps for macOS.

Build apps for Windows.

Build apps for Linux.

Need a running Docker daemon to build a snap package.

Build apps for macOS, Windows and Linux.

Build apps for the current OS with the current arch.




Jiaye Wu


Meilin Zhan


Yuer Lee


Chen Tong

Jason Jiang

Alan Pope

Tony Xu

Tegan Churchill

Angie Wang

Batuhan Bayrakci

Samuel Meuli

Alexandre Amado de Castro

Abner Soares Alves Junior



Gabriel Nicolas Avellaneda

Dennis Ideler

Anthony Attard


Pol Maresma


MIT © hackjutsu

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The beauty of code snippets is their ability to save you time when developing a site. Whether you keep a file with your own often-reused snippets or turn to one of the many online repositories, snippets can really speed up your site development.There are plenty of places online to find code snippets and get answers to your coding questions. And many of these places let you upload your own snippets, either for personal use or to share with the community. They can also be a great place to find inspiration if you’re trying to figure out the best approach for any aspect of your site’s development.Be sure to check out some of our previous articles:* 40+ Tooltips Scripts with AJAX, JavaScript and CSS* 45+ New jQuery Techniques For Good User Experience* 10 Advanced PHP Tips Revisited* 70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques* 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

The beauty of code snippets is their ability to save you time when developing a site. Whether you keep a file with your own often-reused snippets or turn to one of the many online repositories, snippets can really speed up your site development.

There are plenty of places online to find code snippets and get answers to your coding questions. And many of these places let you upload your own snippets, either for personal use or to share with the community. They can also be a great place to find inspiration if you’re trying to figure out the best approach for any aspect of your site’s development.

Be sure to check out some of our previous articles:

  • 40+ Tooltips Scripts with AJAX, JavaScript and CSS

1. General Snippet Repositories and Resources

The repositories and resources featured below cover multiple languages and platforms. Some have thousands of code snippets while others might only have a couple hundred. Most of them let you search by language, tag, author, or keyword. And most of them let you upload your own snippets or questions.

Stack Overflow
Stack Overlow is a great site to check out if you have a programming question. Post your question and wait for answers. You and other users can then vote on the answers posted. You can also search questions based on keywords or tags, view unanswered questions, and sort by newest, oldest, featured, and other criteria.

Snipplr is a code snippet search engine. It's a way for you to keep your code snippets organized and easily accessible from any computer. It includes snippets in JavaScript, HTML, PHP, CSS, Ruby and Objective C.

Smipple is a repository of 'social code snippets'. You can browse by popular or recent snippets, save favorites, and submit your own snippets. You can also search based on keywords or tags.

Tipster, from Carsonified (the producers of the Future of Web Design conference), is a place to share and find tips from other web designers. In addition to searching tips, you can also view hot tips and vote tips up the charts.

Snipt is a code repository that allows you to save public or private snippets. There are snippets available in just about every programming language and web technology you could ask for. Some of the snippets are incredibly useful, such as prebuilt HTML test pages for creating your CSS.

DZone Snippets
DZone Snippets is a public code repository that lets you tag your code and share them with others. They have tons of different categories, covering everything from JavaScript to Python to HTML to XML and just about everything in between.

ByteMyCode splits up their snippets based on programming language. There are tags for CSS, HTML, MySQL, Java, PHP, and just about anything else you could think of. You can browse by tag, new snippets or top snippets, or search by keyword.

Refactor My Code
This is a great resource if you want to get others to check your code for errors or inefficiencies. Just post some code, let other members know what you need help with, and wait for responses. You can also browse through 'refactorings' and codes based on language.

Naslu lets you search code in any language and from authors all over the world. One big advantage they offer is the ability to link code snippets into external web pages.

CodeCodex is a wiki-based code repository that lets members not only share code, but also improve code shared by others. It also lets users reorganize the library to make it more efficient and easier to find specific bits of code.

This snippet repository is hosted by Jonas John. It contains over 160 code snippets, primarily in PHP, though there are some in C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript and plain HTML.

Github offers a number of forked repositories in a huge variety of languages. You can browse repositories based on what's popular, or search based on keyword, size, the number of forks, and more. Popular repositories include Rails, Scriptaculous, and MaNGOS.

Codase is a syntax-aware code search engine that understands code and, therefore, performs more accurate searches. There are currently more than 250 million lines of code in its repository.

Google Code Search
This code search engine from Google lets you search public source code from across the web. The advanced search lets you search within languages, licenses, packages, files, and more.

Snipiti is a code repository and community. It focuses on cut & paste snippets in a variety of different languages, including PHP, HTML and Python.

Code:Keep is a repository of nearly 15,000 snippets in just about every language out there. You can browse or search, or even look up code based on an author's email address (great for finding your own contributed code).

DevSnippets is an online snippet gallery that provides snippets as well as useful development articles for a variety of platforms and languages. Snippets are located off-site, generally on the blogs of their respective creators.

Server Fault
Server Fault is a question and answer site aimed at IT pros and system administrators. It's completely free and there's no registration required. Just post a question and wait for answers. You can see how many times your question has been viewed, how many answers have been offered, and how many votes the question has received.

Best Code Snippet Manager For Linux
Refactory is a community-maintained collection of snippets available for public use. There's no registration required to contribute. You can view snippets based on language or other tags (like 'image' or 'forms' or 'anchor').

Code Sucks Code Snippets
Code Sucks offers a collection of CSS, JavaScript and PHP code snippets. There aren't a huge number of snippets included, but those listed are useful and easy to understand.

2. Language- and Platform-Specific Repositories

The code repositories below are all dedicated to a single language or platform. These are excellent resources if you’re stuck on a certain function and the general repositories have failed you. They’re also a great place to keep your code snippets or share them with others who are more like-minded than general repository users. While most of the repositories here are small, with only a few dozen to a couple hundred snippets, there are some that offer more.

Django Snippets
This repository contains snippets of code specific to the Django web framework. You can view snippets based on rating, tag, author, language, or how many times they've been bookmarked. You can also subscribe to a feed of the latest snippets.

Snyppets is a repository of Python code, mini-guides, recipes, links, tutorials, examples and ideas. They include basic code right up through advanced topics. The entire site is built on a single HTML page to make saving for offline reference easy.

PHP Snippets
PHP Snippets is a repository of PHP code that you can browse by letter or based on function or class. You can also browse new and highly rated snippets.

This is a CSS repository that focuses on snippets for building grid and columb-based layouts. It doesn't contain a huge number of snippets, but those it does include are very useful, and it's easier to find what you're looking for.

Code Snippet Manager Linux Software

This site offers a huge repository of Visual Basic code snippets. You search by language (C#, Visual Basic, XML, or J#). It's not a huge repository, with a little over 100 snippets, but it's still a valuable resource for Visual Basic programmers, and it does let you add your own snippets to the site.

GreaseSpot Code Snippets
This is a wiki-based site that serves as a repository for GreaseMonkey scripts. It includes a ton of useful scripts for everything from getting elements based on CSS selector to adding commas to numbers to forcing links to open in new windows and a lot more.

Code Beach
Code Beach is a repository for Mac developers. You can find code available under a variety of open source licenses (though everything on the site has to be available for commercial use). They also have an open submission policy, so anyone can contribute snippets and classes without having to register.

Snippi is a repository for Magento code. Currently there are more than 60 snippets included, from a number of different contributors.

10 Code Snippets for PHP Developers
This is a blog post covering ten useful code snippets. It includes an email address check, random password generator, get IP address, XSL transformation, force downloading of a file, string encoding to prevent harmful code, sending mail, uploading of files, list files in directory, and querying RDBMS with MDB2.

PHP Classes
This is a PHP code repository that lets you search PHP Class Scripts, tutorials, and more. There are a huge number of scripts and snippets covering almost any aspect of PHP coding included. The site is mirrored all over the world and does require that you select a mirror before browsing.

The Code Project
The Code Project has nearly 24,000 development and design articles, code snippets, and other resources available. It focuses on Microsoft-based and related languages like ASP.NET and C#.

SWT Snippets
This is a huge repository of snippets for SWT (The Standard Widget Toolkit). Code includes snippets related to accessibility, browser functions, cursors, display, grid layouts, and more.

Ruby Snippets
This is a small collection of Ruby and Ruby on Rails snippets from Arto Bendiken. There are snippets included for generating random passwords, simple RSS parsing, and determining image size, among others.

RubyForge Snippets
Another collection of 176 Ruby and Ruby on Rails snippets and packages. Also take a look at the post 8 More Useful Ruby Code Snippets and A Selection of Ruby Code Snippets.

DotNetSlackers is community and forum dedicated to ASP.NET. They also have a code repository that includes a wide variety of snippets in MS-based coding languages.

3. Other Code Snippet Resources

Here are a few other resources for finding code if the repositories above have failed you, for sharing your code outside of a repository, or even creating your own snippet or Q & A site.

Code Snippet Manager Linux Download

Codefetch lets you search code snippets within programming books and makes it easy for you to then order the books that fit your needs. It covers a variety of different languages, including PHP, Java, Python, and Perl.

Code Snippet Manager Linux Command

Cnprog is based on It was developed on Django and Python and allows developers to set up their own snippet repositories and coding Q&A sites.