Darkorbit Dob Bot

You get tips and tricks how to use the bot, and advice for how to avoid to being caught by bigpoint - get tips for best configuration in galaxy gates - get tips for best configuration for npc/boxes - get a 50 preset profiles for DOB, to ease your work in setting the bot. 1 Overview 2 Where to find resources 3 Crafting Limits 4 Building Techs 5 The Resources 5.1 Schism Crystal 5.2 Alloy box 5.3 Indoctrine Oil 5.4 Kyhalon, Bifeton and Tetrathrin 6 All Crafting Material Items 7 The Hardware Lore 8 Recipes 9 Crafting Guide 10 Changelog 11 Trivia Assembly is a crafting feature that allows many different items to be created from materials. You will be able to craft. Download and install V-Bot. Open darkorbit without closing the bot. Put your mouse above the browser with dark orbit. Configure your settings and press start. Still not Working? Try using it with Firefox browser. Clear cache with CCleaner and repeat steps 2,3,4,5. Install latest.NET framework. Darkorbit account after 100 days of botting with DOB from scratch, zero uri, phoenix ship, new account No ban and 1.000.000 NPC shoot down. Keep in mind that I already spent a lot of uridium for.

What is a program called BOT ?

What you will get if you buy from bestbots.ro ?


This bot need some user experience, if you dont know how to use it please watch our instructions and videos.

You can program the bot to do NPC couple of hours, then go to collect some boxes, after that why not some palladium and eventually if some gates are opened to make them also.

This bot has a lot of functions and is very complex, you may encounter some bugs when using it, try to not enable all things all the time, enable one by one after each testing. Anyway all will be solved with time, but may appear new ones.. So be patient.

What this bot know to do ?:

• Beautiful and easy to use GUI, and light software

• Box gathering (Bonus Boxes, Event Boxes, Pirate Boxes)

• Skylab: Automatically expand the Skylab

• Timetable: Set at which time your accounts will do your custom tasks

• Statistics: Draws nice graphs, so you can optimize your settings to get the most out of the bot!

• Galaxy Gates: Automatically build your Galaxy Gates with GG Energy and then let the bot do the gates for you!

• NPC Hunting: Hunt NPCs on any map

• P.E.T.: Enable P.E.T. to let the bot intelligently use your P.E.T.!

• Drone Formations: Set different Drone Formations for different situations

Darkorbit Dob Bot

• Auto Boost: Automatically update your shield and speed generators by letting the bot send resources from the Skylab!

• Drone Repair: When you don't have a Drone Repair CPU, the bot will take care of repairing your drones

• Multiple Sessions: Run the bot on multiple accounts at the same time, runs completely in the background and uses very little resources!

• No UID lock: Switch accounts as much as you like :)

• Human Behaviour: Flees from enemies, idles at gate, real-world-inspired movement system to mimic human players when fighting and flying

• Repair after Death: Automatically repair after death using only the repair options you configured

• Pathfinder: Just set your map and the bot automatically find its way there :)

• windows OS (tested on win7, win8(.1), win10, server 2008, server 2k12) (untested: xp, server 2k3)


How to start/run DOB ?

This product doesnt have trials because security reasons, you can buy the TEST license which is very cheap.

There is no download until the payment is done. Is needed to make account on DOB Forum, license is bind to DOB Forum account.

You will receive all instructions where to make account on DOB Forum, how to activate license and how to download the bot on mail !

If you encounter problems in running the bot please contact us at kbotdarkorbit@yahoo.com

How to run VIDEO for newbies: click here + more tutorials SOON

How to buy / activate license ??

Click here to see all instruction for buying and methods of paying.


Video short demonstration:

The 'new' PBDO Bot was one of the most trusted DarkOrbit bots out there. Since 2015 not a single pbdo user has been banned for using the bot. (Atleast none told us). We had a great community and many moderators/supporters helping us.

For the time being we're no longer selling bots. But we decided to open source our algorithms, so anyone can study them. The original pixel bot was written in C++ and thus hard to understand. So we decided to rewrite our bot algorithms in Javascript and make them runnable using the botfather framework.

Darkorbit Bot Download

This bot is not to be confused with the original PBDO package bot which was not made by us! Our bots name originated in a spare domain we had and the quest for creating a public accessible DarkOrbit bot anyone can use and learn from.

TL;DR You can download our open source bot script and run it using botfather for free.

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Roadmap & Features:

  • Free, Opensource, Extendable (sources on Github)
  • Full Background Mode (integrated browser)
  • Automatic Login
  • Automatic Reconnect
  • Automatic Ship Repair
  • Adjustable max. Ship Repairs
  • Fly back to Map after Death
  • Random Map Navigation
  • Automatic PET Repair
  • Automatic PET Gear Selection
  • Automatic Bonus Box collection
  • Automatic NPC Shooting on lower maps
  • Automatic Cloak CPU activation
  • Automatic Pirate Booty collection
  • Automatically flee on low HP


The 'PBDO-BOT' bot script is an free and opensource javascript file that anyone can study and modify. It contains the bots logic code telling Botfather (a bot framework) what to do.


For example: How to navigation maps, how to collect bonus boxes and repair the ship.

There are several ways to support this opensource project. A good start would be to stop spending money on payed bots. Instead give some of that money to the DarkOrbit developers. No one wants the game to die, we as players just don't want to spend hours grinding while wasting our lives.

Speaking of time wasted: Consider spending some time on learning to make bots yourself. That way you have fun playing a game while learning to code.

Read the bots code, improve it and think of new features and implement them. We're happy to see your pull request on GitHub.

Vertex Bot Darkorbit

Last but not least: Report bugs by creating and contributing to issues on GitHub.