You might’ve seen that Red Orb Chest in the distance; to reach it, you’ll need to double jump straight up into the ceiling to grab onto a wall-crawl path there and scootch over to the chest. Kill them and open the Red Orb Chest and the other chest to find a Gorgon Eye. This is most useful for smaller enemies, like birds or banshees, that can be interrupted by the damage.
- God Of War Chains Of Olympus Walkthrough Psp
- God Of War Chains Of Olympus Walkthrough Psp
- God Of War Playthrough
- Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for God Of War: Chains Of Olympus on the PSP, with a game help system for those that are stuck.
- God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP walkthrough and guide at GameSpy - Check out the latest walkthroughs and guides for PSP.
- God of War Chains of Olympus video walkthrough by HelloJapan960. 10 videos on playlist. God of War Chains of Olympus video walkthrough guide. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more.
Get the latest God of War: Chains of Olympus cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs. God of War: Chains of Olympus is an action-adventure game developed by Ready at Dawn and Santa Monica Studio, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). It was first released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld console on March 4, 2008. The game is the fourth installment in the God of War series, the second chronologically, and a prequel to the original God of War.
Two shielded enemies and a flock of birds will be going up against you at this point. When they’re down, eliminate the shielded enemy’s armor with a square, square, triangle combo, then go to town on him to finish him off. You'll still be able to glean some health orbs from him by hitting him often enough, but you'll want to beat him as quickly as possible regardless. The ruined wall nearby can be attacked and destroyed; check the balcony outside for a Red Orb Chest. It moves backwards fairly slowly, so as long as you kill your enemies in short order, you should be fine. You’ll come to Eos soon enough, who’ll tell you more about what you need to do to restore Helios to his rightful place in the sky. Return to the elevator and ride it downstairs, then save your game and again and refill your health if you still have the green chest there. Use regular attacks on Charon (as opposed to holding the L button for combos) so that you can quickly block his attacks or dodge away as necessary. Head through the cave here, defeat the soldiers and archers, and flip the switches. When they stop appearing, rotate the ballista so that it faces the Basilisk and fire away. This time you'll be rotating in the opposite direction. The Basilisk has two attacks of its own here. There are only 5 challenges in this game, but they can be frustrating just like the challenges in past games.
God Of War Chains Of Olympus Walkthrough Psp
You need to balance the need to block its attacks versus the need to be vicious. Head up the steps, fight off the enemies, then use the Sun Shield on the indentation in the ground to reveal another stairwell leading downwards.
Block and reverse her meele's, rise and repeat until you get to phase two. Another shielded enemy and some archers here. There’s a substantial number of red orbs in the chests here, so grab them and upgrade your Blades to level three if you haven’t done so already. This also protects you from enemy attacks, making it a handy escape button when you're about to get pounded by larger enemies.
I plan on making the full walkthrough when the game comes out.
Be prepared to guard against their attacks. Then, jump up to the platform and hold L to block.
Kill it to drop the barriers in the doorways here. As you progress through the Tartarus portion of the game, you will come across a room with two levers. Break the armor with your square, square, triangle combo (just tap the triangle; don’t hold it down). After you beat the Basilisk backwards a bit, it will retreat atop a wall and start shooting fireballs at you. Luckily, Kratos is also pretty good at killing things, as you'll know if you've played God of War or God of War II for the PS2.
To move on from this area, you'll need to put pressure on two pressure plates. Head up the upper-left cliff to reach a room where gorgons and shielded soldiers will attack you. Whack away at him until you get to play the minigame; it starts with O-mashing and then asks you to hit three random buttons before you're able to finish him off. Follow the new path downward to reach the large platform room you were in before; you’ll be on an upper balcony this time around. With that done, return to the path you were on before and jump across to the far side. Play on a harder difficulty if you like, but this walkthrough (especially for the boss fights) may not always apply. Persephone will appear on one of the pillars in the distance here, a bit outside of your weapon range, although you can still hit her with Light of Dawn. The game wants you to fire it at the Basilisk, but instead turn it to the left and fire it at the buildings. Alternate between tapping on L and R to move on.
Move on to the next fight, against soldiers and archers. After your talk with Eos, check the platform for a glowing spot on the upper right, where you can tap O to pull down another platform. There’s also a Red Orb Chest obscured by a wall; you’ll find it near the northern pool.

The good news is that it can be blocked.
God Of War Chains Of Olympus Walkthrough Psp
You can also find another Phoenix Feather here.

This page was last edited on 20 October 2010, at 00:05. Hit the Persian King until he dies. This section will be a basic description of these weapons and magical attacks. You'll be facing off against an armored cyclops here and more harpies. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding treasure: Copyright © 1997-2020 Cheat Code Central. At any rate, return to the three statues and destroy the rightmost one to find another catch-up chest. Move on past the Cyclops to reach some archers.
Return down the cliff and cross the chains to reach another cliff. When the boat lands, start using Charon's Wrath on the enemies that appear. This is the same as parrying a blow, but it will now work with projectile attacks…like the ones that are about to come your way from the shielded enemies in front of you. Try knocking enemies up into the air with your Blades of Chaos, then targeting them with Charon's Wrath in mid-air. In the next big room, find the Red Orb Chest along the western wall, then push the two large statues into the slots in front of them. Save your game, and don’t miss the Red Orb Chest near the save point. Whip the archers first with Cyclone of Chaos, then finish them off with a grab move to get your orb bonus.
Head out the doorway here and climb down the cliff to reach the bottom. Head off to the east a bit to find an impassible river of blood.
Enjoy! Well let's get on with the destruction then shall we. They do drop magic orbs, so feel free to use Efreet on them to weaken them up. When you're done, open the door to the north first to find some chests, then open the door on the eastern side of the area to head upstairs after Calliope. This phase is basically identical to the one that you went through earlier. You see that little platform in the middle of this area? God of War: Chains of Olympus delivers highly detailed graphics, incredible animation detail and yet another adventure in the dark and brutal world of Greek mythology.
God Of War Playthrough
That gets a few good hits in on Persephone, and keeps you floating in the air so that most of her attacks will be avoided.
Charon stops using his breath attack, thankfully, and resorts to warping around the arena and smashing his scythe into the ground. To the west is a Red Orb Chest, to the north a Phoenix Feather, and to the east a doorway leading on. Mash O for a bit to concentrate the beam, then let go as soon as that prompt disappears. This trophy can be aquired when you run into Morpheus' fog for the second time. After they're dead, start attempting to use the crank nearby to open the gate, but be sure to kill all the soldiers that appear before doing so; any chance at earning orbs should be accepted. Keep an ear out for the sound that indicates you can attempt the minigame and defeat it. Don't kill the Medusa and just let the enemy cast it's green beam on you to turn you to stone and then press, This trophy can be highly missable if you are not careful.
The next big fight will consist of first one armored cyclops, then two cyclopes, with harpies filling in for the annoyance factor. Save your game here, then drop into the water. That will let you climb the cliff nearby to reach another switch, which will free Hyperion's head. It's fun! Climb up to the handholds behind the waterfall and move on over to the east, then drop down. As in previous God of War games, Kratos will be able to pick up new weapons and magical attacks to help him in his fight in Chains of Olympus. The second group will feature multiple banshees, so you may want to weaken them up with a couple rounds of Efreet before starting the minigame on them.
It is God of War Origins Collection for ps3 rendered in hd and 3D enabled.
Go after the archers first; grab attacks automatically kill them. You can't stop the combo when it starts, so if an enemy can shrug off the damage, they'll simply walk over and hit you as you let the combo whirl. After saving your game, move on to the next walkway. The green orbs will eventually become a less frequent part of her attack suite, so you'll need to be ready when they come your way. After the shields go down, a few archer enemies will appear; you can continue to use the L button to reflect their shots to kill them; it’s probably easier than using the Light of Dawn. You can reach it by destroying the wall to its right. When you enter the Caves of Olympus, the camera will show you how to get to the trident. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Doing so will raise a keyhole nearby; put the key into it to extend a platform leading on. After the impaling of Charon at the end of phase three, he'll launch himself into the air and fling orbs at you from up above after you attempt to grab his mask on the ground.

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