Juz 13

Juz 13 merupakan sebuah bagian dari 30 juz yang tersusun dalam kitab suci Al-Qur'an.Juz ini diawali dengan kata وَمَا أُبَرِّئُ pada surah Yusuf ayat 53 dan berakhir di surah Ibrahim ayat 52. Juz 13 Al- uran Arabic IndoPak.


Yusuf 7-11

More about dreams

Trials of Yusuf

Two character :

Yaqoob: beautiful patience

Yusuf: how he goes thru trials and tests but doent lt go of AHSAAN, sabr, taqwa

Surah RAad- Juz 13

Comparision of Who does shirk and who are on tauheed

Discussion with NN

fa Sabrun jameel

Allah dilo ko tham leta hai

bulandi milage asbr , taqwa ay ahsaan se baad

ilm se mahroomi is very big; whoever seeks ilm Allah makes the path to the Jannah easy

beneficial ilm should be sought; we should practice it in our lives

aaj kal se behtar ho

zina aur behayai punishment in this world too; khair , barkat, rizq se mehroom, imaan ki halawat ends

Ayah 33: Yusuf prefers to go to prison becoz he wanted to save imaan

He does tabligh in the prison, introduces Allah, connects Allah , whatever ilm he had he gives credit to Allah swt

Ayah 55 He mentions his skills

Para 13 Pdf

we can mention our talents when there is a need for it

Ayah 67: Yaqoob (as) teaches his sons TADBIR and TAwakkul

Juz 13 Surat Apa

Ayah 69 Yusuf kept his own drinking goblet secretly in Bin Yamin’s bags as a souvenier

The miseducation of lauryn hill free download. Ayah 77 Yusuf did sabr

Ayah 78 they accept Yusuf as a muhsin

Ayah 83 he keeps on saying he will do more sabr; he hadnt lost hope

Those who trusts Allah will hope that Allah will change the situation

84: kazim: he was swallowing his tears; Yaqob (as) was grieving but he still doesnt blame anyone only calls on Allah

dont cry in front of anyone but Allah;

85: the brothers —even though they wanted to do away with yusuf and keep him away from Yaqub, they couldnt take the love away from his heart

Juz 13 Mishary

86-87: all sorrows are turned to Allah; no one despairs from the mercy of Allah except the are kafir

88: they had to beg for charity from the one they hated so much

Allah makes the zaalim humble in front of the mazloom

Ayah 89-90 muhsineen wasnt rude and arrogant in reminding them;

dont embarass the one who hurts us

mukhateeb ko sharmindagi se bachayi

Ayah 89-90 Allah has bestowed this favor; Allah muhseeno ka ajr zaya nahi karta

dont put even the enemies to shame

Ayah 91 when they are saved from shame , it is easy to accept the crime

Ayah 92-93 look at the buland akhlaaq of Yusuf; He saves his brothers from more shame , from feeling bad; he is trying to justify their crimes

Ayah 94: Allah makes healing in whatever He (swt) wants;

aajzi se hi we can attain love of Allah

Ayah Qatieen is repeated in this surah : we should accept our own mistakes

Ayah 98: say i will make dua ; he wanted to make dua at the time of acceptability

Ayah 100: he is still blaming the satan and not his brothers

Ayah 101 : he prayed to Allah secretly, giving credit to Allah and makes dua for good death and good company. alhiqni bis saleeheen

Yusuf did not ask for dunya.

whoever accepts the Greatness of Allah , it is easy to be humble

he got the power when he was 30years old , he ruled until he died at 110 years of age

Ayah 108:

Ayah 109

ayah 11: take a lesson from the past

Surah Al Raad:Juz 13

Ayah 8-11 Allah doent change a situation if we dont take the first step and change ourselves

Ayah12-13 : Thunder and lightening are doing Tasbeeh

Ayah 14

Ayah 15 : anything that cant bow cast thier shadows

Who is the Rabb of the heavens and earth?

Ayah 17 : water is ilm e deen

when gold is heated , the foam rises; process of purification

Juz 13 Surah Apa

foam is bad thoughts, impure deeds, sins , assumptions; all are useless

Likewise Allah distinguishes pure from useless.

Only the Pure stays : only the beneficial will prevail;

We have to be beneficial; especially yo those who wrong us.

zulm- not giving , but receiving

adl = giving equal

ahsaan= giving more than getting it


Ayah 18: Two ways os life

ayah 19-20

who has respect for family ties

needs lots of sabr

only those who did sabr will be rewarded

Ayah 25: who cut off family ties

Juz Amma Youtube

Mac os 10.6 8 update download. who cause chaos —will have a miserable home

Ayah 26 Allah increases or restricts

Juz Amma Pdf

Ayah 28-29

….in the remembrance of Allah do hears find peace

Juz 12 Pdf


Ayah 31-32: Quran is a weighty measure