Scrap Mechanic Durf

Durf » Workshop Items » Scrap Mechanic. Filter by game: Select a game. Show: By Durf Durf's Favorites. Screenshots Artwork Videos Workshop Items Merchandise Collections Guides. Follow this user to see when they post new Steam Guides, create new Collections, or post items in the Steam Workshop. More Scrap Mechanic Guides:Amateur Survival Tips!All Recipes Guide (Survival Mode).Where to Find Items / Materials (Survival Mode).Transport Guide for Caged Man (Survival Mode).Enabling Cheats in SurvivalEnabling CommandsOpen 'Scrap Mechanic Survival Scripts game SurvivalGame.lua' with.

Scrap Mechanic is available on Steam and Humble for a somewhat steep £14.99 / $19.99, given the sparseness of this current build (954178 on 1 February 2016). Tagged with Axolot Games, early access, feature, Premature Evaluation, Scrap Mechanic. Cheats Right click on Scrap Mechanic in the Steam Library, Select Properties - Local Files - Browse Local Files - Survival - Scripts - game - SurvivalGame.lua Open it with Notepad, but I suggest you use NotepadGo to 83 line function SurvivalGame.clientonCreate( self ) and changeIf gsurvival.

Commands can be entered into the chat to accomplish certain tasks.

  • 4History

Survival Mode Commands[edit | edit source]

These commands are only available in Survival Mode with Dev Mode enabled. The descriptions listed are the official in-game help descriptions.

NameUsageIn-Game DescriptionNotes
Ammo/ammo [quantity]Give ammo (default 50)
Spudgun/spudgunGive the spudgun
Gatling/gatlingGive the potato gatling gun
Shotgun/shotgunGive the fries shotgun
Sunshake/sunshakeGive 1 sunshake
Baguette/baguetteGive 1 revival baguette
Keycard/keycardGive 1 keycard
Powercore/powercoreGive 1 powercore
Components/components [quantity]Give <quantity> components (default 10)
Glowsticks/glowsticks [quantity]Give <quantity> components (default 10)Description is incorrect.
Gives the specified amount of Glowsticks.
Tumble/tumble [true/false]Set tumble statePuts the player into a ragdoll state.
God/godMechanic characters will take no damage
Respawn/respawnRespawn at last bed (or at the crash site)
Encrypt/encryptRestrict interactions in all warehousesEnables the ability to remove globally restricted objects.
Enables Encryptor interactions.
Decrypt/decryptUnrestrict interactions in all warehousesRemoves the ability to remove globally restricted objects.
Disables Encryptor interactions.
Limited/limitedUse the limited inventoryEnables the standard Survival Mode inventory.
Unlimited/unlimitedUse the unlimited inventoryEnables an inventory similar to Creative Mode inventory, but with all Survival Mode items and objects available.
Ambush/ambush [magnitude] [wave]Starts a 'random' encounter
Recreate/recreateRecreate worldResets the world to its initial state, removing all creations and player-placed objects.
Time of Day/timeofday [value]Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)
Time Progress/timeprogress [true/false]Enables or disables time progress
Day/dayDisable time progression and set time to daytime
Spawn/spawn [name]Spawn a unit: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot'Full list of valid names: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'redtapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot', 'worm', 'farmbot'
Not specifying a name spawns the old male playermodel.
Harvestable/harvestable [name]Create a harvestable: 'tree', 'stone'Full list of valid names: 'tree', 'stone', 'soil', 'fencelong', 'fenceshort', 'fencecorner', 'beehive', 'cotton'
Not specifying a name spawns the old male playermodel.
Clear Debug/cleardebugClear debug draw objects
Export/export <name>Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint
Import/import <name>Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint
Starter Kit/starterkitSpawn a starter kitSpawns an orange Chest containing a Scrap Gas Engine, a Scrap Driver's Seat, a Scrap Seat, 4 Scrap Wheels, 6 Bearings, a Gas Container, 60 Gasoline, 512 Scrap Wood Blocks, 512 Scrap Metal Blocks, and 512 Scrap Stone Blocks.
Mechanic Start Kit/mechanicstartkitSpawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic stationSpawns a black Chest containing 5 Sunshakes, 512 Scrap Wood Blocks, 256 Scrap Metal Blocks, 20 Glass Blocks, 10 Component Kits, 20 Gasoline, 20 Circuit Boards, 20 Chemicals, 20 Corn, 20 Pigment Flower, 15 Soil Bags, 10 Carrots, 10 Tomatoes, 20 Tomato Seeds, 20 Carrot Seeds, and 20 Redbeet Seeds.
Pipe Kit/pipekitSpawn a pipe kitSpawns a blue Chest containing a Vacuum Pump, 10 Vacuum Pipes, and 5 Vacuum Pipe Corners.
Food Kit/foodkitSpawn a food kitSpawns a yellow Chest containing 10 Bananas, 10 Blueberries, 10 Oranges, 10 Pineapples, 10 Carrots, 10 Redbeets, 10 Tomatoes, 10 Broccoli, 5 Sunshakes, 5 Veggie Burgers, 5 Pizza Burgers, 5 Revival Baguettes, 5 Woc Milk, and 5 Woc Steak.
Seed Kit/seedkitSpawn a seed kitSpawns a green Chest containing 20 Banana Seeds, 20 Blueberry Seeds, 20 Orange Seeds, 20 Pineapple Seeds, 20 Carrot Seeds, 20 Redbeet Seeds, 20 Tomato Seeds, 20 Broccoli Seeds, 20 Potato Seeds, and 50 Soil Bags.
Die/dieKill the player
Set HP/sethp <value>Set player hp value
Set Water/setwater <value>Set player water value
Set Food/setfood <value>Set player food value
Aggro All/aggroallAll hostile units will be made aware of the player's position
Go To/goto <name>Teleport to predefined positionFull list of valid names: 'here', 'start', 'hideout'
Raid/raid <level> [wave] [hours]Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours.
Stop Raid/stopraidCancel all incoming raids
Disable Raids/disableraids <true/false>Disable raids if true
Camera/cameraSpawn a SplineCamera tool
Print Globals/printglobalsPrint all global lua variables
Clear Path Nodes/clearpathnodesClear all path nodes in overworld
Enable Path Potatoes/enablepathpotatoes [true/false]Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node
Activate Quest/activatequest [id]Activate questNot specifying an ID activates all quests.
Complete Quest/completequest [id]Complete questNot specifying an ID completes all quests.

Challenge Mode Commands[edit | edit source]

These commands are only available in Challenge Mode.

NameUsageIn-Game DescriptionNotes
Enable Lift/enable_lift [true/false]Enables or disables lift.
Enable Sledgehammer/enable_sledgehammer [true/false]Enables or disables sledgehammer.
Enable Connect Tool/enable_connecttool [true/false]Enables or disables connecttool.
Enable Paint Tool/enable_painttool [true/false]Enables or disables painttool.
Enable Weld Tool/enable_weldtool [true/false]Enables or disables weldtool.
Enable Handbook/enable_handbook [true/false]Enables or disables handbook.
Enable Spudgun/enable_spudgun [true/false]Enables or disables spudgun.
Enable Client Toilet/enable_client_toilet [true/false]Enables or disables client toilet.
Enable Ammo Consumption/enable_ammo_consumption [true/false]Enables or disables ammo consumption.Spudguns and Mountable Spudguns will require and consume Potato ammo.
Enable Fuel Consumption/enable_fuel_consumption [true/false]Enables or disables fuel consumption.Gas Engines and Electric Engines will require and consume fuel (Gasoline and Batteries, respectively).

Dev Commands[edit | edit source]

These commands are only available when using the -devlaunch option. They were the only commands available before Beta 0.4.0, and could be used without -dev.

Help/help or /?Lists all available commands
Time/timeToggles timestamps in chat
Crash The Game/crashthegameCrashes the game (Possibly for a debug crash?)
List Players/listplayersLists all players connected
Console/consoleOpens the console

History[edit | edit source]

Beta[edit | edit source]

  • 0.4.8
    • Added the following Challenge Mode commands:
      • /enable_lift
      • /enable_sledgehammer
      • /enable_connecttool
      • /enable_painttool
      • /enable_weldtool
      • /enable_handbook
      • /enable_spudgun
      • /enable_client_toilet
      • /enable_ammo_consumption
      • /enable_fuel_consumption
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /activatequest
      • /completequest
    • Removed the 'group' parameter from the /spawn command.
  • 0.4.0
    • Previously existing commands are now only available with the -dev launch parameter.
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /ammo
      • /spudgun
      • /gatling
      • /shotgun
      • /sunshake
      • /baguette
      • /keycard
      • /powercore
      • /components
      • /glowsticks
      • /tumble
      • /god
      • /respawn
      • /encrypt
      • /decrypt
      • /limited
      • /unlimited
      • /ambush
      • /recreate
      • /timeofday
      • /timeprogress
      • /day
      • /spawn
      • /harvestable
      • /cleardebug
      • /export
      • /import
      • /starterkit
      • /mechanicstartkit
      • /pipekit
      • /foodkit
      • /seedkit
      • /die
      • /sethp
      • /setwater
      • /setfood
      • /aggroall
      • /goto
      • /raid
      • /stopraid
      • /disableraids
      • /camera
      • /printglobals
      • /clearpathnodes
      • /enablepathpotatoes

Alpha[edit | edit source]

  • ???
    • Added the follwing commands:
      • /help
      • /time
      • /crashthegame
      • /listplayers
      • /console
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The Scrap Mechanic reference manual written and maintained by the players.
About Scrap Mechanic

Welcome to the machine-filled creative paradise of Scrap Mechanic, a multiplayer survival game with imagination and ingenuity at its core.

Scrap Mechanic is an all-new creative multiplayer sandbox game where you explore, scavenge and collect objects from all over a wide-open interactive world. With these gathered objects you can build shelters (cozy!), impressive moving Vehicles (vroom!), and machines (aw yes!) that will help you survive all the treacherous adventures ahead of you. Team up with friends or fight against robots and other players who want to steal your stuff.

So here’s the deal: you’re a robot maintenance mechanic, and you've been sent to a fully automated agriculture planet that supplies food to the metropolitan planets with the task of looking after the worker robots. Close to touchdown your spacecraft loses control and crashes, leaving you as a lucky, lucky survivor. You’re stranded though, and at first glance you find that not everything’s quite as it should be. The Farmbots working the fields have gone crazy, and now there’s only one way to stay alive: using your quick thinking, your creativity and your wily knack of using the surrounding environment to your advantage.
[Read more...]
The Scrap Mechanic Wiki Community
Quick Game Basics
Interactive PartsConsumablesCrafting Parts
Creative ModeSurvival ModeChallenge Mode
BuildingVehicle buildingGuides
The Main Scrap Mechanic Features
  • Survival Mode! - Explore a dynamically generated open-world environment filled with enemies, treasure, and dangerous robots! Team up with friends and build bases to protect yourself and your valuables. The most creative will survive!
  • Creative Mode! - An unlimited amount of parts are yours to play with! Build free on your choice of terrain without limitations or the threat of death.
  • Challenge Mode! - Test your building and driving skills by completing a set of increasingly difficult challenges. You can also create your own challenges using the Challenge Builder.
  • Character Customization! - Choose between playing as a male or female mechanic and customize their appearance to your liking. Unlock additional Clothing items by finding Garment Boxes in Survival Mode and using them at a Dressbot.
  • Parts ‘n’ Blocks! - Scrap Mechanic comes loaded with over 100 parts. Some with unique shapes and sizes, but all giving you the power to basically create anything you want.
  • Interactive Parts! - The Interactive Parts that let you put your creations in motion represent the very best and most exciting parts of Scrap Mechanic! With a wide range of parts and an array of functions from Gas Engines and Electric Engines to Thrusters, Sensors, and Buttons, you’ll never be bored with the items at your disposal!
  • Handbook! - Your Mechanics' Handbook is your trusty educational friend, with you from the start and dying to be read! Flip trough its pages at your leisure to learn the basics of building in a easy way.
  • Logbook! - Your ship's log is now a handy journal for keeping track of your quests (coming soon), telling the time, and navigating the world. Use it to manage the waypoints of any Beacons you've placed down and discover new Structures your quests lead you to.
  • Connect Tool! - The tool that brings everything together and makes it all happen. A must for any true mechanic!
  • Lift! - Lightens the load when Building creations with physics in mind. Let it lift you – and your creations – higher!
  • Sledgehammer! - Whack loose parts and watch them fly. Smacking physics around with the hammer is great fun. Also useful as a weapon in Survival Mode.
  • Spud Gun! - Shoot high-velocity spuds that can break weaker blocks, such as Glass and Cardboard, and activate Triggers from a distance. In Survival Mode, grow some Potato ammo to defend yourself and your stuff from those nasty robots at a safe distance.
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