
StrainiusStrainiusStrains activityFlu

How many syllables in strenuous? 7 4 9 2 8 1 3 6 5 syllables. Divide strenuous into syllables: stren-u-ous Stressed syllable in strenuous: stren-u-ous How to pronounce strenuous: stren-yoo-us How to say strenuous: How to pronounce strenuous. Cite This Source. Wondering why strenuous is 7 4 9 2 8 1 3 6 5 syllables? Overall fetal well-being is reassuring after short-duration, strenuous exercise in both active and inactive pregnant women. A subset of highly active women experienced transient fetal heart rate decelerations and Doppler changes immediately after exercise. How does the adjective strenuous contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of strenuous are energetic, lusty, nervous, and vigorous. While all these words mean 'having or showing great vitality and force,' strenuous suggests a preference for coping with the arduous or the challenging. The strenuous life on an oil rig. Needing a lot of effort or strength a strenuous climb The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise. 2 active and determined Sherry’s been making a strenuous effort to lose weight. —strenuously adverb Barrett strenuously denied rumors that he would resign.


  • Requiring or using great exertion.

    ‘all your muscles need more oxygen during strenuous exercise’
    • ‘He will make strenuous efforts to make sure that no criminal act on the inside, or the outside, can be traced back to him.’
    • ‘To mitigate this perception, strenuous efforts are being made to engage local people.’
    • ‘It is also making strenuous efforts to recruit new staff and train unqualified employees.’
    • ‘The Church has also made strenuous efforts to ensure young people can become more involved.’
    • ‘Some doctors have made strenuous efforts to address this notoriously difficult area with further training.’
    • ‘I would have been able to get rid of the cart, but it would have easily hung on until I made a strenuous effort to get rid of it.’
    • ‘Europe has made strenuous efforts to bring the Balkans into its economic and political orbit.’
    • ‘The efforts were equally strenuous behind the scenes as officials tried to impress foreign investors.’
    • ‘Older and wiser now, he is making strenuous efforts to get out his side of the story early and often.’
    • ‘In spite of strenuous efforts, it is still perhaps China's most serious problem.’
    • ‘If the condition clears up quickly, ensure that the child avoids strenuous exertion for at least a week afterwards.’
    • ‘We would use every ounce of effort we have to oppose it in the most strenuous manner.’
    • ‘The waters around Pitcairn are fierce and turbulent, with diving made strenuous by the strong currents.’
    • ‘The idea that you should hold your keen pupils back to make life less strenuous for a secondary school teacher is monstrous.’
    • ‘It's a fairly strenuous activity, but only needs doing twice a year.’
    • ‘The walking was a little strenuous, but it was just too beautiful to miss.’
    • ‘The most strenuous thing I've done all day has been to mow the lawn.’
    • ‘His many handicaps have not deterred him from taking these strenuous trips.’
    • ‘There is no strenuous exercise involved and no special equipment is needed.’
    • ‘Warming up before beginning strenuous exercise is a must for every athlete.’
    arduous, difficult, hard, tough, taxing, demanding, exacting, uphill, stiff, formidable, heavy, exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, gruelling, back-breaking, murderous, punishing
    vigorous, energetic, active, enthusiastic, keen, zealous, forceful, strong, Herculean, spirited, dynamic, intense, determined, resolute, tenacious, tireless, stout, indefatigable, unremitting, dogged, pertinacious
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Strainius Lt


Early 17th century from Latin strenuus ‘brisk’+ -ous.

Strenuously Meaning

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